Thursday, February 3, 2022

Is Urdu And Punjabi The Same

It is general human attitude that when an entity is made sacred or more worthy. They do not need any valid argument, they just claim it as there own entity. The UP/CP leaders of British India along with East India company successfully linked religion with the languages. It was such an absurd idea at that time and it is still believed by many that Urdu is Muslim and Hindi is Hindu. This false dogma and in fact myopic approach nullified the established fact of linguistics that languages are linked with regions and the communities living in those regions. The Urdu Hindi controversy 1867 further aggravated the situation.

is urdu and punjabi the same - It is general human attitude that when an entity is made sacred or more worthy

Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan and his Aligarh institute convinced the Indian Muslims that Hindustani when written in Persian script becomes a perfectly Muslim language and all other languages of British India are those of infidels. Muslims not only accepted Urdu whole heatedly but also started claiming it as there own. Even the books were written to prove the claims with references from classical poetry and other writings. On the other hand, the fact is, if you search on internet the word "khari boli" and play any video of that language, you would be surprised that it is same as Urdu.

is urdu and punjabi the same - They do not need any valid argument

The khari boli is a native language which is spoken in the areas of UP/CP. In spoken form the khari boli, Hindustani, Urdu and Hindi are different names of same language. But when we write the Hindustani in Devanagari script it is called Hindi, the language of Hindu community of British India and when we write the Hindustani in Persian script, it becomes the only representative language of Indo Pak Muslims.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The UPCP leaders of British India along with East India company successfully linked religion with the languages

Of course, with the passage of time, the Hindi language has been stuffed with many Sanskrit words and Urdu with Persian and Arabic words, but, this is limited mainly to academics. In common day to day dialogue, it is very difficult to differentiate whether a person is speaking Urdu or Hindi. The reason is languages are not classified on the basis of vocabulary as vocabulary keeps changing. The benchmark is the syntax and structure of sentences, which is exactly same in case of Urdu and Hindi. First, people who are motivated to find out more about their health will attend structured patient education that focuses on teaching them skills in self-management of their condition. The participants may be strangers who meet through the particular educational initiative relating to a specific disease.

is urdu and punjabi the same - It was such an absurd idea at that time and it is still believed by many that Urdu is Muslim and Hindi is Hindu

Urdu Vs Punjabi In Pakistan The key focus of the group is to promote learning and understanding of a condition with a view to supporting someone self-manage. The group normally ends when the formal education is completed although on-going support may be required . The education is predominantly health care profession led although the method of delivery of education is very variable. Group dynamics are around participation, self-reflection and applying knowledge to an individual's own particular situation.

Urdu Vs Punjabi In Pakistan

One study has found that group interactions supported social adjustments to another long term condition that may be transferrable to people with diabetes . Cross‐cultural validity of questionnaires is a relatively neglected issue for researchers working in multiethnic populations. The same issues arise in asking questions in the medical history, and in establishing baselines in smoking cessation services. Remarkably, little original research is published on this topic in the medical, epidemiological and public health science literature.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The Urdu Hindi controversy 1867 further aggravated the situation

Our work shows the use of best‐practice principles to maximise cross‐cultural validity ,2 and, to our knowledge, treads new methodological ground in the fields of self‐report, ethnicity and health, and tobacco. Working with Interpreters within a group setting poses particular challenges for Interpreters. Work needs to be done to prepare Interpreters for group education; in assisting them with medical language, and placing this within the appropriate cultural context. Diabetes Specialist Nurses need to facilitate the preparation of Interpreters and they also need to be sensitive and responsive to where their learners are in terms of health literacy. DSNs should commence their education using the most simplest of terms with regard to anatomy, physiology and how the body works.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan and his Aligarh institute convinced the Indian Muslims that Hindustani when written in Persian script becomes a perfectly Muslim language and all other languages of British India are those of infidels

Using Conversation Maps™ is an appropriate method of delivering structured patient education to Urdu/Punjabi speaking people with type 2 diabetes provided there is appropriate translation and interpretation delivered by appropriately trained Interpreters. Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board uses Interpreters who translate information which may include some 'interpretation', especially of clinical information, into a culturally understandable format. Lothian utilizes both Interpreters and Linkworkers who fulfill quite different roles. Interpreters fulfill the function of translating words into the language of the hearer.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Muslims not only accepted Urdu whole heatedly but also started claiming it as there own

Linkworkers are team members and build a rapport with patients to ensure that there is a trusting relationship between them. Linkworkers find commonalities with their patients that support cultural identity and address any power imbalances between professionals and patients . The role involves health promotion and health improvement and hence they work very closely with communities.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Even the books were written to prove the claims with references from classical poetry and other writings

Linkworkers bridge linguistic, cultural, conceptual and knowledge barriers that could hinder patients with professional communications. The Lothian Linkworker is an Urdu/Punjabi speaking Pakistani who understands her culture and the impact of diabetes on people's lives. Some BME communities have strong oral traditions and it is common for people to speak one language but read a different script or none at all e.g. a Punjabi speaking person may read an Urdu script rather than a Punjabi Gurumukhi script. A recent study concluded that patient education based on story telling that encourages minority ethnic people to share their knowledge and experience supports self management . Patient education must therefore take such cultural differences into account. This project showed that many changes were necessary in existing translations of key tobacco‐related questions, including those prepared nationally.

is urdu and punjabi the same - On the other hand

Cantonese and Sylheti questionnaires were developed in an innovative way that allows standardisation of questionnaire delivery at interview without the need for interviewers to translate on the spot. Although we could produce a phonetic version of Sylheti using the Roman script, this approach would not have been suitable for Cantonese, as this is a highly inflected language and the sounds made are subtle and different from the English phonetics. The alternative that we adopted was to write the oral Cantonese using the Chinese script. As the tone is very important in Cantonese, interviewers would need a thorough training. Punjabi language, Punjabi also spelled Panjabi, one of the most widely spoken Indo-Aryan languages. The old British spelling "Punjabi" remains in more common general usage than the academically precise "Panjabi." In the early 21st century there were about 30 million speakers of Punjabi in India.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The khari boli is a native language which is spoken in the areas of UPCP

It is the official language of the Indian state of Punjab and is one of the languages recognized by the Indian constitution. In Pakistan Punjabi is spoken by some 70 million speakers, mostly in Punjab province, but official status at both the national and the provincial level is reserved for Urdu. Urdu is a mixture of Persian language and Arabic used as the main languages of Muslim culture. It is considered by many to be a genius linguistic masterpiece.

is urdu and punjabi the same - In spoken form the khari boli

With its rich vocabulary, it has been able to adapt over time to the regional languages and culture of South Asia. The Urdu language was created in 1844 by a Muslim scholar, Mir Ameer Ali Khan Shere Ali, who wanted to make the Arabic script workable for the different languages of India with an aim for unification. This resulted in creating a new alphabet from scratch from English letters.

is urdu and punjabi the same - But when we write the Hindustani in Devanagari script it is called Hindi

Urdu is predominantly a spoken language with an emphasis on written literature. In Pakistan, it is used as a language of government, education, and culture. Lastly, the lack of health literacy was a challenge as participants had little understanding of how their body works and the impact of type 2 diabetes and its management on their day to day living and health. More work needs to be done in supporting Urdu/Punjabi speaking people with type 2 diabetes in understanding how their body works so that they can make educated decisions about lifestyle choices.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Of course

The oral concept of Conversation Maps TM are standard educational tools, still needs great explanation about health concepts for Urdu/Punjabi speaking people with type 2 diabetes to understand. ConclusionThis discussion article has highlighted some key clinical challenges in caring for Urdu/Punjabi speaking people with type 2 diabetes in two Health Boards in Scotland during 2013. These challenges relate to providing structured patient education in a group format using Interpreters and Linkworkers and with established educational tools within standard care. Implications for NursingDiabetes Specialist Nurses are at the forefront of providing patient education in both an informal manner and also through structured patient education. Structured patient education can improve both clinical outcomes as well as knowledge on diabetes .

is urdu and punjabi the same - In common day to day dialogue

The challenge is to transfer these findings, derived from randomized controlled trials, into routine practice and care. Most Health Boards utilize either Interpreters or Linkworkers to support the engagement of people from black and minority ethnic groups interface with health care professionals for health related consultations and decision making. Such communications are normally on a one-to-one basis although they often include family members as well. BackgroundStructured diabetes education should be available to all, but is not readily available to those from BME groups due to specific challenges in the adaptability of current programmes to accommodate language and cultural aspects of care. Conversation Maps™ have been reviewed and, in Scotland, meet the criteria for structured diabetes patient education .

is urdu and punjabi the same - The reason is languages are not classified on the basis of vocabulary as vocabulary keeps changing

Conversation Maps™ are based on oral communications between group participants facilitated by a trained educator. They are flexible, adaptable, and the visual aspects are very appropriate for people with linguistic challenges. In India, Punjabi is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India. It is the first official language of the Indian State of Punjab.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The benchmark is the syntax and structure of sentences

Punjabi also has second language official status in Delhi along with Urdu, and in Haryana. In Pakistan, no regional ethnic language has been granted official status at the national level, and as such Punjabi is not an official language at the national level, even though it is the most spoken language in Pakistan. It is, however, the official provincial language of Punjab, Pakistan, the second largest and the most populous province of Pakistan as well as in Islamabad Capital Territory. The only two official languages in Pakistan are Urdu and English. Urdu belongs to the Indo-Iranian language family, which is spread all across Central Asia, South, West, and Southeast Asia. It is spoken by close to 250 million native speakers and is learned by over 100 million more as a second language.

is urdu and punjabi the same - First

It is the official language of Pakistan and one of two official languages in India. It is an official language in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, as well as having a large number of native speakers in Bangladesh, Iran, Nepal, Mauritius, and Suriname as well as Fiji with smaller populations throughout Canada, Russia, and the United States. In 1900 an order was issued by the Lt. Governor of the NWP&O, Anthony McDonnel, which accepted this demand. A strange phrase of 'Urdu ki khidmat' was invented, which is still current. (Have you ever heard a boatman claim that he is serving the river, or the boat?) The immediate purpose of this identity campaign was to make more jobs available to those who were proficient in reading and writing Urdu in the Persian script. The linguistic community was divided into the Urdu-walas and Hindi-walas and both camps began to make extravagant claims about their separate 'languages'.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The participants may be strangers who meet through the particular educational initiative relating to a specific disease

Both bragged about their language being spoken in the whole subcontinent; a claim which was fraudulent from the point of view of those speaking Bengali, Tamil, Sindhi, Gujarati and so on. Punjab is the most densely populated province of Pakistan and therefore a majority of the population lives there and speaks Punjabi. I have never in my entire life seen any Sindhi, any Balochi, or any Pashtun criticizing Urdu or its native speakers. We cannot make Punjabi the national language just because majority of the population speaks it. Regarding patriotism, I want to ask the author as to why people in Punjab including Lahore and Islamabad judge you because of your non ability to speak fluent Punjabi.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The key focus of the group is to promote learning and understanding of a condition with a view to supporting someone self-manage

Is it true that people belonging to the Urdu speaking community of Sindhi community or Pashtun are not high class Pakistanis like Punjabis. Please stop creating hatred among people on the basis of language. In September 2015, a case was filed in Supreme Court of Pakistan against Government of Punjab, Pakistan as it did not take any step to implement the Punjabi language in the province. Additionally, several thousand Punjabis gather in Lahore every year on International Mother Language Day.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The group normally ends when the formal education is completed although on-going support may be required

Thinktanks, political organisations, cultural projects, and individuals also demand authorities at the national and provincial level to promote the use of the language in the public and official spheres. When Pakistan was created in 1947, despite Punjabi being the majority language in West Pakistan and Bengali the majority in East Pakistan and Pakistan as whole, English and Urdu were chosen as the national languages. The selection of Urdu was due to its association with South Asian Muslim nationalism and because the leaders of the new nation wanted a unifying national language instead of promoting one ethnic group's language over another. Broadcasting in Punjabi language by Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation decreased on TV and radio after 1947. Article 251 of the Constitution of Pakistan declares that these two languages would be the only official languages at the national level, while provincial governments would be allowed to make provisions for the use of other languages.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The education is predominantly health care profession led although the method of delivery of education is very variable

However, in the 1950s the constitution was amended to include the Bengali language. Eventually, Punjabi was granted status as a provincial language in Punjab Province, while the Sindhi language was given official status in 1972 after 1972 Language violence in Sindh. Despite Punjabi's rich literary history, it was not until 1947 that it would be recognised as an official language. Previous governments in the area of the Punjab had favoured Persian, Hindustani, or even earlier standardised versions of local registers as the language of the court or government. After the annexation of the Sikh Empire by the British East India Company following the Second Anglo-Sikh War in 1849, the British policy of establishing a uniform language for administration was expanded into the Punjab. The British Empire employed Urdu in its administration of North-Central and Northwestern India, while in the North-East of India, Bengali language was used as the language of administration.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Group dynamics are around participation

Despite its lack of official sanction, the Punjabi language continued to flourish as an instrument of cultural production, with rich literary traditions continuing until modern times. The Sikh religion, with its Gurmukhi script, played a special role in standardising and providing education in the language via Gurdwaras, while writers of all religions continued to produce poetry, prose, and literature in the language. The article covers the differences between Urdu and Punjabi, two languages that are closely related.

is urdu and punjabi the same - One study has found that group interactions supported social adjustments to another long term condition that may be transferrable to people with diabetes

The article also covers the history of both languages, the similarities they share with other Indo-Aryan languages, their scripts, and their grammar. Urdu is not only spoken in Pakistan but all over South Asia. Urdu and Punjabi share close linguistic similarities as well as cultural ones with each other, which can be seen through their shared history and literature.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Crosscultural validity of questionnaires is a relatively neglected issue for researchers working in multiethnic populations

However, they still maintain their differences in terms of literature and culture, which contribute to their significant distinctions in spoken language as well as written form as well as grammar difference between the two tongues. Punjabi belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family, which is spread all across India, Pakistan, and Southeast Asia. It is spoken by close to 90 million native speakers and is learned by over 10 million more as a second language.

is urdu and punjabi the same - The same issues arise in asking questions in the medical history

It is one of the 22 official languages in Pakistan and one of the official languages in India, as well as having a large number of native speakers in Bangladesh and Nepal. These problems are pertinent to both clinical and smoking cessation practice and research. Estimates of the prevalence of the use of tobacco‐related substances depend almost entirely on self‐report.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Remarkably

Clinical records of smoking habits and changes are also based on self‐report. Thus, there are barriers to the accumulation of good‐quality information on ethnic minority groups, particularly those who may have little or no competency in English. Persian was the language spoken by the Royals of the Mughal Empire and served as the cultural and official language of this Empire. As such, it had a high status in the Muslim society in the past. However, the British abolished the official status of Persian during their colonial rule over the Indian sub-continent.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Our work shows the use of bestpractice principles to maximise crosscultural validity

Today, only a small section of the Pakistani population speak this language. Urdu is not only the official language of Pakistan but also the national language of the country. However, only about 8% of Pakistanis speak Urdu as their first language. However, a vast section of the population speaks it as their second language. The origin of Urdu goes back several centuries, and according to some historians, Urdu has evolved from an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the area around Delhi which absorbed words from Arabic, Persian, and Chagatai.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Working with Interpreters within a group setting poses particular challenges for Interpreters

The Government of Pakistan has strived to promote the national language of Pakistan to encourage national solidarity. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan , and is one of 22 scheduled languages of India. Urdu is spoken by over 162 million people, primarily spread across India and Pakistan. However, the adoption of Urdu in Pakistan is not withoutcontroversy. No region in Pakistan is majority-Urdu speaking, and many see it as the language of theMuhajir, refugees that came to Pakistan after the1947 partition. Regardless, because of its large linguistic base, it is a vital language for communications in south Asia.

is urdu and punjabi the same - Work needs to be done to prepare Interpreters for group education in assisting them with medical language

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